64 Bar Music
Killer Tomato has been charged with splicing the 30 something tracks submitted for the fifth64barchallenge mix, and if his vigorous head nodding is anything to go by, it’s something he’s going to enjoy.
“There’s a broad range of producers on there,” he observed. And he’s right. Not only broad in terms of age and profile, but broad in terms of geography.
Lets see, in this mix there are contributors based as far a field as China and Canada, Australia and France and that makes for a canvas of colours perfect for a painter of sounds.
To extend this slightly dodgy metaphor, Killer Tomato now is the man with the brushes and easel… painters use easels right?
Anyhow, making this mix is right up KT’s street. He said: “I first heard about 64abarmusic through the blog site, there was quite a lot of buzz. And then Kovas actually called me up and asked if I wanted to get involved.
“There’s some really tight production on there. You’ve got the likes of Moneyshot, Rubberfunk and more it’s a privilege to be working with these people
“I’ll be using Abelton Live to make the mix. I won’t be time stretching and warping, but just using it to sequence the sections I’ll mix on the turntables. Then I’ll add some cuts and master it.”